
Founded in 2010

Pipedrive Website

Pipedrive makes sales customer relationship management (CRM) software that’s built for minimum input and maximum output.


Pipedrive keeps things moving, stops tasks falling through the cracks, and reduces the tedium of admin. Pipedrive ensures that sales activities remain targeted, ambitious, and realistic.

Today, over 100,00 customers in 170 countries, and across 100+ industries leverage Pipedrives’ software to manage their sales process. Customers include companies like Teamwork, Postmates, Falcon Social, RE/MAX, Mixcloud, and Discovery Channel.

Founded by seasoned sales professionals, Pipedrive launched in 2010. It is one of the fastest growing cloud-driven SaaS companies worldwide, having raised $80m in funding from investors including Insight Venture Partners, Atomico, Bessemer Venture Partners, Rembrandt Venture Partners, and Paua Ventures.


Marketing Automation
Sales Force Automation
Sales Performance

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