Sales Enablement Soiree – Keynote: Sales Enablement at Scale
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Dan Darcy: Good morning, everyone. How are you guys doing? I am so thankful to the Sales Enablement Soiree team for having me but then also for putting it at 10 a.m. because Janet Jackson and Metallica kind of kept me up a little bit late last night. I couldn’t be more excited to talk to you all about enablement and showcase what we’re doing at Salesforce, but then also I’m excited to really start this bigger conversation, which is sales enablement.
It’s awesome to see the buzz outside, just walking around and see enablement really becoming this emerging function. Obviously, it’s been around for such a long time, but I will showcase to you and talk to you a little bit more about how it’s really becoming more of an effective and strategic position and role at our companies, and how we’re really kind of driving the conversations. So, I’m excited to converse with all of you. A lot of my team is also here as well to join that conversation.
And this is titled “Empowered by Enablement” because this is our mantra at Salesforce. Enablement is not just an organization at Salesforce, it’s also core to what a lot of people at Salesforce believe which is enablement needs to be part of everyone. It’s everyone’s job at Salesforce specifically, but how can you make it everyone’s job at your companies as well? We love to say we’re empowering you, empowering our learners, empowering the sales teams with enablement to give them the tools and the resources that they need to inspire this continuous learning environment that we try to drive at Salesforce. And we also want to delight our users as well by giving them the tools and resources before they even know that they need it, because we’re getting to be more proactive in how we think about this.
How do we drive this at scale? Now, I am going to be talking about forward-looking statements and we always put this in there because I will be showcasing obviously Salesforce technology and how we’re driving the conversation and how we’re driving enablement at Salesforce. I will be making forward-looking statements about Trailhead, so don’t make any purchasing decisions. If you are, that would be great if you want to buy Salesforce. But don’t make any purchasing decisions based on what I’m about to say, but based on what’s generally available today.
So, one of the things I think is incredible is I joined Salesforce 10 years ago not knowing how powerful and awesome it was going to be to this day. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of Salesforce and really driving this. For the first seven years at Salesforce, I did our technical product marketing, which really translates to all the demos that you would see on stage at all of our events across the world. I love to tell stories and I love storytelling and effectively delivering customer success stories through our technology is what I’m passionate about. And I did that on stage for a long time at all of our Dreamforces, and that also was my night job. I was Mark Benioff’s personal sales engineer, so I would travel with him and really deliver customer presentations on our biggest things and it was an incredible experience because he really taught me how to think about the customer, how to think about our stakeholders, and really drive that effective conversation.
Then three years ago, he basically said, “We have a challenge at Salesforce and I need you to take this on. We are continuing to scale and grow at an alarming rate, how do we keep our sales teams effective and dangerous enough to have these conversations with our customers?” And also enablement controls a lot of the culture because if you think about onboarding, that’s the first introduction to every employee around what Salesforce’s culture is all about. So three years ago, we centralized these teams, and you can see this picture here of some of the team from my birthday last month. I couldn’t be more honored and humbled to lead such an incredible group of individuals.
But again I’m just really excited to be here because if you think about this, enablement is really top of mind for leadership, and it’s really becoming that effective and strategic seat at the table. You can see here some stats, like 80% of technology companies now really are having that sales enablement function.
We talk to our customers about the fourth industrial revolution where technology is always changing, and we’ve gone from the steam to electricity to computing to today, which is that the world is connected. Everything is intelligent, the apps are connected, devices are connected, and we have to think about things differently in enablement because we have to move from having ad hoc enablement to really more strategic and proactive enablement.
And we see that every learner out there is connected. They’re on the go, their demands are happening, and they need things right now and their needs change so fast. As you can see, they’re asking for it to be on demand. They want this right now, they want to learn at their own pace, they prefer to learn at the point of need. So, you could see that the heavy enablement that we used to do in terms of classroom-style learning, we have to think about it differently.
You can see the rise of talent and the cohorts that we have in the millennials in thinking about things differently, that we read about this a lot with enablement and we think about this. This quote really stuck with me, and that’s kind of what millennials are saying, “Invest in us, help us keep our skills current, offer us flexibility, and in return, we will stick with you and we will rise to the demands of a changing workplace.” Millennials expect this education to happen, on-the-job training. And this problem is not unfamiliar to all of you because you are also experiencing this same thing, that distribution teams really have a lot to work through.
If you think about the conversations that are happening with our customers, we put a lot of pressure on our sales teams to really distill down all the information that’s coming at them to have very effective conversations. You can see it here at Salesforce. How do we train on our entire product portfolio, our partners, our competitors, the market and industry trends, all of these events that we do like Dreamforce? How do sales teams take advantage of that – the policies, the pricing? And you can see here it’s like they want it personalized, they want more and they want it customized to who they are. That one size of enablement and training does not fit all roles.
Especially at Salesforce, it’s no small feat, and that’s why we have a pretty amazing and incredible team. On the left-hand side, you’ll see how we’re organized. We have a hub-and-spoke model where I’m in charge and run our global enablement center of excellence, and our charter is really around repeatable and scalable programs that are happening across the globe. I work with teams in the field and all the field enablement and delivery teams are under the different sales leaders to really work with them on customizing the programs and content that we build and take it the last mile to the specific audience.
We have over 30 distribution roles that we have to really train and customize learning journeys for. We have 150 new employees that come in every two weeks. That’s a lot of people, and it’s really hard to stay on top. How do we make sure that everything is customized specifically for them on their role? We also talk about M&A and strategic programs that we build, kind of global initiatives that happen at Salesforce because we do so many things. For instance, we have seven programs year-to-date. For one example, when we acquired MuleSoft, we had less than one month to get all of our AEs dangerous enough to talk about integration, when that has never been part of our product portfolio. So how do we do that and how do we think about that at scale?
Obviously, it’s consumption of enablement hours, enablement is always on and we drive that continuous learning.
So, the question we ask ourselves is how do we enable distribution to become trusted advisors to our customers at scale? And this is our answer and our approach, which is what we call “Empowered by Enablement”, and we do it in these three ways.
We empower our people through delivering Agile, our operational model. I will talk a little bit more about what that means and how we organize and think about our people and how we organize at scale.
Our programs. How do we effectively drive incredible learning programs and teach everyone to be learning designers and do that at scale? And then, of course, technology. When you have micro and macro moments of learning, how do we think about meeting the learner where they are, when they need something at that point in time of need?
To talk a little bit first about the people side of things, I think a lot of you can relate to this. There’s been a maturity model that has happened for us at Salesforce, where when we first came together and centralized all of enablement three years ago, we were filled with just amazing athletes of people, people who can do everything. We could just give them a project and they could do it from beginning to end and they’re incredible athletes. But as we continued to grow, our talent started changing from reactive on what the sales leaders needed to proactive, to think about delivering program and enablement very intelligently and prescriptively.
The second phase was really when we started emerging two separate teams, which was the field teams and then the programs teams. And that’s what I was talking about today, the journey to where we are now where we thrive as really an agile organization that can build repeatable, scalable programs and then deliver them effectively, customized to the specific sales leaders’ needs based on geo, segment, and industry.
Who makes up those cross-functional teams now that we are in an agile organization? Obviously, we have the luxury because enablement is definitely very important, it’s one of the top four core values of really operationalizing Salesforce at scale. So we are able to build incredible cross-functional teams that are made up of these types of roles. We have field delivery, we have instructional design, we have content strategy, technology and tools, marketing and comms, production and events, and project management.
How many of you are familiar with Agile? So, obviously Agile is definitely a methodology in organizing how we get things done from a software development perspective, but we’ve adopted that over into our land. If you think about building product, you need a product manager, you need a user experience designer, you need engineers to build. In our land, it’s like we’re delivering learning products. And we need these folks to really drive those effective learning products at scale.
We’ve made this transformation over this past year and we’ve seen these huge incredible benefits where we are really empowering the experts. And scrum teams now, because they’re always together and repeatable, get to learn and know each other. They become effective. For instance, we have an industry scrum team that is talking about building out industry learning products. Or a product scrum team, where they’re building out the product enablement. And what’s been awesome with that is that now we’re starting to form backlogs of what we’re working on so that we can see all the prioritization that’s happening from a transparent perspective. We can see when a sales leader comes to us, they’ll say, “I need this, right now,” and I’m like, “Okay, Mr. Sales Leader, where is it on your priority list, because we’re already building this for you.” And they’re like, “Well, I need both right now,” and I say, “Well, if everything’s important, nothing’s important, and we need to really be hardcore about prioritizing what we’re going to build and deliver for your people next.”
That really forces the sales leaders to really think about what’s most important for them at that point in time. And we’re very transparent with how we prioritize that. Obviously then we standardize everything for scale and create repeatable processes. That then delivers the quality and impactful enablement of the programs and content faster.
And how do we design programs for scale and resilience? Well, these are the three things: sales leader coaching, agile instructional design standards, and peer-to-peer learning. From when we deliver these programs and create these programs, there’s an element where we put in terms of the sales leader coaching aspect to that because that way we empower the sales leaders to really be part of this entire conversation or this entire training that we’re driving. We know in enablement that once we train those salespeople, we need to then have the learning be reinforced, and that happens at the sales leader level. So, empowering the sales leaders to coach on the programs that we are creating has been very effective for us, and that has helped us scale in tremendous ways.
Second, how do we create everyone to become a learning designer? Because it’s not just us that create learning programs and enablement, we have stakeholders from all over the business and subject matter experts from product marketing to rev rec and the pricing team. They create programs as well. So we’ve packaged instructional design in a box and we call it Cody’s Camper Van – it goes to the Trailhead theme. I know that won’t mean anything to anybody, but it’s just basically a set of tools and design templates to really help build effective learning programs. And that has been awesome because now we’re training the people who are creating these learning programs, so we’re empowering our stakeholders.
Third, we’re empowering the sales teams. And what we’ve done really is this peer-to-peer learning. This is kind of new to us as well, where if you think about it when I talked about onboarding, 150 people start every two weeks. How do we take those 150 people and classify them as a peer group, break them down into smaller sub-segments and then basically give them the tools to empower themselves to learn together and drive that social learning? That has been awesome because the teams will meet on a regular cadence and then they’re learning from each other, so if you think about it, it’s unlocking the knowledge that these tenured salespeople also have that they can help other people learn, in their own little cohort or own little peer group. That has been awesome and really changing the game for us in terms of how we’re delivering programs at scale.
I wanted to put this slide in here too because I think that’s something that’s important from an enablement organization perspective, to really create this culture of continuous learning. Enablement shouldn’t just happen ad hoc, we need to build that muscle and think about this. We have two basic segments and we simplify this for how we create this culture of continuous learning. We have onboarding and then we have ongoing education.
The onboarding side of things is highly structured learning to get reps effective enough to talk about Salesforce and our portfolio of products. Onboarding depends on the role, it can be anywhere from three to six months. But once you graduate from onboarding, you get thrown into this area called ongoing education. This is where we work with the sales leaders and the field enablement teams to really deliver that muscle of enablement in terms of how do we keep ongoing product enablement going from a monthly standard so that there is no stop, so that enablement just becomes part of the nature of who we are and what we do at Salesforce.
And we have to make it fun of course, right? I’ve been on the receiving end of training and learning, and I hate getting Powerpointed to death, just like what I’m doing to you guys right now. I love to show technology and how do we think about this, so I made a promise to a lot of the sales leaders that we are going to really try to change the game in terms of how we think about learning and making it fun so that you learn the concepts before you get into this room. Then this room becomes more of a workshop and an exercise, where you’re not Powerpointing people to death, maybe you throw up one slide about the concepts and it’s like, “okay, here’s an activity, here’s a workshop, here’s what you guys need to do, now go do it.” Give those salespeople the at-bats they need to really make this more of their commanding presence. And then, after they leave this workshop, we do an assessment and a stand-and-deliver, which is more of a mock scenario and trial that they film themselves. Then we score them and they do peer-to-peer scoring or the managers do the scoring as well. So that’s also how we’re our certifications and how we think about this.
The last piece is really around our technology. I’m actually going to show you a demo, but I know this is a little bit of an I-chart. Our learning platform is Trailhead. Trailhead has really kind of emerged as this incredible technology that is helping Salesforce admins and developers learn the Salesforce tool so they can build effective careers. Then we thought, why is it just for admins and developers at Salesforce? Why couldn’t this be for the business user and for our sales teams and our customer success teams? So, I’ve been working with the Trailhead team.
I mean, we’re basically like two in a box where I’m driving their product road map in terms of all the stuff that’s happening in our organization, and they’re really trying to solve that enablement functionality with what we call “trails”. And “trails” are mini guided paths that we build effective content for where people learn trails before they come into this workshop, and then from the workshop, they do the stand-and-delivers. That’s where that trailhead becomes a main part of our platform.
The way we think about learning at Salesforce is in two parts. The micro-learning moments, which are things that are snackable, consumable, two minutes, “I need to know right now”. Or macro-learning, which is more like our onboarding programs. Or we need to get everyone trained on MuleSoft, so that is a macro moment of learning. Some of the effective things– I won’t go over all of these tools– but something that we’re also piloting which is really cool is that we’ve created an internal Salesforce radio station, where we have an app called Salesforce Radio. Then there are programs underneath that talk about industry customer success stories, or we have something called the snapshot which is like a weekly newscast of what’s happening at Salesforce and we hear from leaders all over the world around that. That’s been awesome because a lot of our teams have been saying, “I’ve been stuck in a car for an hour driving to a customer, how can I learn? I’m on the bus, how can I listen to something in a snackable, consumable format, five to 10-minute things here and there?” We just launched this in March and it’s starting to grow for us. That’s really going to become a main delivery mechanism in how we think about that. Of course, along with trails and everything else we have going on.
We have a tool called AskAstro that really is the most effective driver of that micro-learning moment. AskAstro is kind of a service cloud functionality, and I’ll show you a demo of that in a bit. But think of it as just a Google search bar. When AEs need something, they go to Astro, which is our character. That’s where you can think about asking anything, if it’s a pricing question, you need a piece of content, you want a customer success story, and you want it to be relevant to who you are, your role, what segment, geo, and industry you’re based in. That’s what AskAstro is becoming more intelligent about and really looking at you.
But then the other piece is Lighthouse. Lighthouse is also a homegrown system that we’ve created that is our assignments engine. We create the trails in Trailhead and then what we need to be able to do is push this learning to our users in a very customized, personalized fashion. And Lighthouse basically is that guiding light of really getting our users to take the learning that they need.
Let me actually jump out and do a demo. My team advised me against this, but I have seven years of demos. Alright, so let me first show you Trailhead. So, while you’re looking at Trailhead, it’s actually free for everyone, so if you guys want to use Trailhead, you can go and sign up today and learn a little bit more about Salesforce. It has other learning things on there beyond just learning about Salesforce, but there are MBA trails on there, other kinds of soft skill-type training. But this is really something that has really changed the game for us at Salesforce. You can see here I’ve got 144 badges. I have to lead by example. But you can see here the trails that we have are just kind of open: “Explore with Analytics”, “Get Started with Lightning Experience”, “Learn the Drucker School MBA Essentials”.
But there’s something that we’re launching in March with Trailhead, and that’s called My Trailhead. This is where we’re giving the ability for our customers to build trails for their teams to either learn about Salesforce or whatever they want to learn about, they can build those trails and put that in here. So, my team builds out these internal trails, and you can see here where we put all of this stuff in Salesforce. It’s personalized, you can see it’s got the internal flag, but this has really changed the game for what I was talking about in the learning concepts around the trails.
The second piece to this is AskAstro. This is AskAstro where it’s a very simple concierge-type service where it says, “What can I help you find today?” Since Dreamforce is near and dear to our hearts right now, we type in “DF 18” and you can see what pops up. The most relevant content specific to Dreamforce, specific to my role, here’s the checklist for AEs, it’s been upvoted 60 times, here’s the pocket guide. And the other thing I should talk about is really how we have started designing content in effective ways because AEs don’t have time to sift through all the information. So, they just need to see them right now. If they take more than 10 seconds to get what they’re looking at, then they’ll abandon, right? I know all of you experience this. We build a lot of this stuff. As an example, if we say pocket guide, what we’re doing is we’re translating all the marketing speak that’s out there and delivering what really is happening, so sales teams can really understand the difference between what marketing does and what is really happening. They can really have a better conversation with our customers. And if you can’t find information, you can just log it here.
But what’s awesome about this is we have the analytics on this content. And this is a verified kind of content, it’s basically a repository where we work with our publisher network, we have over 600 publishers inside of Salesforce and people love it. We keep looking at the analytics. If the content is not being used, then what we do is we work with the publishers to go, “Why is this content not being used? How can we work with sales leaders to make this more effective?” And you think about it and now content is becoming kind of a product in itself, and how do we drive effective learning campaigns or campaigns around content to get people to think about things differently?
What’s awesome about AskAstro is not that there’s just this one search bar and it’s very simple, but it’s embedded into the workflow of our sales users. So, I’m going to actually show you inside Salesforce, this is a fake opportunity called Tangerine, it’s our use case and our account inside of Salesforce.
What you’ll see pop up at the bottom here is Astro. It can go anywhere you want. Astro is intelligent and you can see it’s the same kind of repository of content, information, things you need, and customer stories. This is the forward-looking statement and how we’re thinking about what Astro will be, becoming more intelligent. We can look at the opportunity, it can see the trends of opportunities that are happening in that same geo or segment or whatever industry. It can start recommending content that has been used in those deals before, or things that have come up or trends that are happening or maybe a customer success story. So, we inject content that happens right there at that point of need, and that’s really awesome.
So, two more slides and then we’ll get to questions. This is obviously a thing talking about scale, but I just wanted to bring this up because I really think it’s important for everyone here to understand. Around these are table stakes and how a successful enablement organization really is created.
First, you need executive leadership and buy-in. And it’s pretty awesome to have all of our sales leaders say how enablement is so important to them and their AEs growth. It all starts and ends with the sales leader, because if you build a training and you deliver it, the person at the end of the day that is going to be reinforcing it with their AEs is the sales leader.
Obviously, you also want content that empowers, and that’s what I was talking about with the pocket guide of how do you deliver this design content that basically empowers the user. We need every content or program that’s created, there needs to be a sales leader sponsor on this, so we have these feedback loops. And then I think what’s also really important is you need to stay on top of what’s actually happening with your customers so that you can deliver effective content and understand the feedback and the trends that are happening with your customer.
Then also, it’s around intelligence. We are becoming a strategic partner to sales, so how do you drive intelligent conversations, be proactive, look at the data, and be prescriptive around what we’re doing with enablement. We would rather go to sales leaders saying, “We think we need to train you on these things,” as opposed to them asking us for, “We need this training.” I want to be ahead of the curve when it comes to sales leaders.
These are our core values. You saw the methods of how we get to our vision of scaling at Salesforce – these are our core values within enablement. It’s really all around customer success, so how do we get our AEs to really deliver that customer experience at scale and drive customer success. It’s about scaling through innovation. So you see a lot of the things we were talking about in terms of scaling. We love trying new things and if it doesn’t work, we move on to the next thing. How do we keep that going?
I have a mantra and everyone in my team hates when I say this, but it’s “Better, better, never best.” And we always think about what’s everyone doing out there, how can we be better, how can we keep pushing? And you know when you take a step back, I’m always so proud because I know we’re doing well, and we’re doing amazing things but I’m like, “not good enough, let’s keep going.” I know a lot of my team hates me for that. It’s all about collaboration, and it’s collaboration with not only the sales learners but the stakeholders throughout the company. Product marketing, rev rec, everything converges at enablement because sales and our customer success folks are having these conversations with the customer. So, everything that is happening at Salesforce needs to go through enablement and get our customer-facing teams to really deliver an effective message.
And one thing I didn’t put out here is our vision because I want to leave you with all of that. The way we’re thinking about enablement for the future is around this on-demand immersive experience. How many of you know Peloton or have a Peloton? Only a few? It has changed the game with how I think about things. I bought a Peloton after I stepped into a class, I did one, and I felt like I was part of that class. It was an on-demand class, it had a leaderboard, you were going along, figuring it out, it was gamified, it was incredible. It was awesome. So I’m thinking about how can we do this for training? And doing that at scale, it’s effectively a live training class but it happens when they need it. All too often I hear people say, “Oh I couldn’t sleep so I just started working on trails.” And I’m like “That sounds really boring.” But how do you think about delivering a more immersive, fun, engaging experience to really drive that learning at scale? So, that’s what we’re thinking about.
But I’m also looking to all of you to help join that conversation. If you can go to, I’d love to hear from you around what change do you think enablement needs most in the next five years? You can also email me at ddarcy@salesforce. I’d be more than happy to continue the conversation. So with that, I will say thank you, and open it up to questions.
Emcee: Thank you, Dan. We’re going to do some Q&A, so if you have a question, raise your hand. I think the gentleman over here was first, but just as I’m walking over there, it looks like you’ve been busy the last two and a half years. Given that you were the first in your role, you’ve built all this stuff out, other than hiring Gary Busey, where did you start?
DD: I was still in that phase of where do I start? We’re still in the phase of putting out fires. I was hiring a bunch of athletes, and it was like, “okay, you’re smart, you’re intelligent, a jack of all trades, come on board and let’s figure this out because there’s a lot of stuff going on.” The number one thing I had to do was the reason why enablement was a burning platform and we centralized it, we had lost the trust in a lot of our sales leaders. And so the first thing I was doing was hiring incredible senior talent to really work with sales leaders to understand what the needs are and try to deliver effective programs. So, it’s kind of like “put the fires out” while we’re starting to formalize this kind of scalable, repeatable process.
Emcee: Cool, awesome. Thank you very much.
Audience 1: Hi, Dan. I’m starting a charity organization called Charity Begins at Home. It’s not a nonprofit, it’s going to be for charity. I’m building an app and I’m evaluating Salesforce, so I’m really excited that I’m here. My question was, can AskAstro be available for non-Salesforce users?
DD: Great question. We are not productizing AskAstro specifically, but if you think about it, the technology that powers that is Service Cloud. So, Service Cloud is available to everyone out there, it’s kind of just a concierge where you can put knowledge articles on there but we’ve also just attached the content and programs and trails.
Audience 1: I have two more questions based on that. Can I use AskAstro to evaluate if Salesforce is an ideal platform for what I’m up to?
DD: You know what, let’s take that offline. I’ll definitely talk to you after.
Audience 1: Alright, I’ll take your card.
Emcee: Thank you very much. Another question, anyone have their hand raised?
Audience 2: Hi, Dan. I work in a smaller company and it’s very impressive what you guys get to do. But what would be your advice for teams that don’t really have the manpower to develop all of those initiatives at the same time and keep a continuous feedback loop, teams that need to prioritize which functions are going to enable the sales teams better? If you’re not necessarily starting from scratch but you need to build everything from the ground up.
DD: The way I would think about it is, I mean, this is where you can open up the conversation about if they think enablement is important, because then they should resource it properly, right? But depending on how many people you have, all I think about is you need to just define what scope you’re looking after, and do that really well. Then once you start delivering upon what you’re doing with that scope, you’re in a place of power, and that’s where you can then ask for more resources to do more.
If you are a three-person team and you’re trying to do everything, you’re going to be spread too thin, you’re not going to do anything right. So, scale it down and say, “I will deliver an effective, kickass onboarding boot camp that happens once a month.” And kind of go from there. Then over time, build that out. And if they’re trying to hire more people or more program managers then obviously extend the program to go beyond onboarding and then deliver the training that you need.
Emcee: Thank you. So we have time for two more questions, we have one here, and then one more.
Audience 3: Hi, I’m Rebecca from MetLife. I’m curious from an organizational design perspective where you report into and how your company is structured.
DD: That’s a good question. So before, we were reporting into the sales organization but now we’re in our go-to-market organization which is with partners and industries, and so it’s how we think about it. I report into a gentleman by the name of Tyler Prince. But the thing is, I still don’t believe that it doesn’t matter where you report. I don’t. I mean, you just need to figure it out and empower everyone. That’s kind of where I feel like our influence and enablement is, it doesn’t matter where we report into at Salesforce. How do we influence everyone that we work together with, that they know we are the people to go to.
Emcee: Cool. And one more question.
Audience 4: Hi, I’m Megan. I’m pretty new to enablement at Adobe, and I really liked what you said about trying to see into the future of what customers need. What advice do you have for how to predict what customers will need before you create enablement? Because I think we’d all agree that enablement’s often a reactionary function, and so what are your high-level ideas on how to do that?
DD: I think number one, everyone should be part of working with customers and trying to work with sales teams to deliver. I feel like especially with Adobe – which is a competitor of ours but also a friendly competitor – it’s just really doing ride-alongs and really understanding what’s happening with the customer. The more conversations you’re in, the more you’re understanding what’s happening with the customer. You can apply those things to really then figure out how you can deliver enablement better.
That’s where I’m saying the world of our customers is going through this digital transformation, everything is becoming more and more connected. Everyone demands things right now, right on the spot and they want it yesterday. How do we deliver that program as well? Because I always say there are no diving saves of enablement, it’s literally like, “I need enablement right now!” It is not that, okay? It’s more like how do we think about this instead of being reactionary, being proactive. Working with customers is the best way to do that.
Emcee: Cool, thank you very much. Thank you, Dan.