
Sales Enablement PRO & Challenger Research Survey

4.3K Views | 1 Min Read

One of the core ways organizations can differentiate themselves is through the sales experience they provide. The past year – with the pivot to virtual work – has shown the increased difficulty in understanding the quality and effectiveness of buyer experiences that reps deliver. Sales teams must innovate quickly to engage buyer’s virtually amid change, as organizations face the risk of higher burnout rates and decreased employee morale.

We are partnering with global sales consultancy Challenger to better understand sales enablement professionals’ priorities, their investments to enhance both employee and customer experiences, and their sense for where the bottlenecks in the sales process exist.

This research brief aims to uncover:

  • The connection between the sales rep employee experience and the customer experience
  • Where organizations see quality breakdowns
  • How quality and consistency can be scaled across revenue organizations through sales enablement
  • How consistent quality performance impacts the business

We encourage you to take this brief survey. All qualified survey participants who complete the entire survey will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the final research brief as a thank you for your collaboration. Your participation is highly valued.

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