
Sales Enablement Analytics Report 2021

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As enablement expands its impact across customer-facing teams, it is crucial that practitioners can effectively measure and understand this impact to prove their influence on the success of the revenue organization. For the third annual Sales Enablement Analytics Report, Sales Enablement PRO and the Sales Enablement Society partnered to understand current trends in how enablement teams are tracking and measuring the success of their efforts across revenue teams.

Based on quantitative and qualitative research from surveys and focus groups, this report provides insight into which specific metrics teams are using to measure the impact of sales enablement across Performance, Proficiency, and Productivity, while providing recommendations for positioning enablement as a strategic arm across the revenue organization. Here are a few key findings from this year’s report:

  • Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction to Enhance the Customer Journey: When companies track percentage of revenue from existing customers, and thereby prioritize the upselling and cross-selling of existing customers, they report 10-percentage-point higher customer retention.
  • Optimizing Ramp Time With Enablement Tools: Of those who said that time to ramp has increased in the last year, 69% do not leverage conversation intelligence tools.
  • Driving Sales Effectiveness Through Personalization: Those that track personalization are 55% more likely to get customer referrals than those that do not.

As sales enablement continues to expand its footprint within the organization, it’s vital that practitioners leverage the most useful analytics to improve consistent sales performance, expedite their teams’ proficiency, and maximize productivity to drive business impact.

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