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I think the customer is so much more informed than they were 20 years ago, and they expect to be. Our websites have enormous amounts of information on them that your customers used to have to call your salespeople and say, ‘I need information XYZ.’ They can get that on their own. If they can’t get it on their own, you probably need to update your website. But it’s so much more important now to have good, detailed content than it was 20 years ago because our customers can get information. So how do your salespeople really help your customers do their job beyond the, what sizes are available, what colors are available that they can get on their own?

I think that one of the things that makes it unique is that flexibility and letting our sales team really craft a message that resonates to the customer. So it’s not so much what exactly it is they’re saying, but how they’re targeting and pulling together pieces that will speak to the customers’ specific needs and pinpoints, and then really beginning to develop that kind of strategic partnership with a customer. That, I think, is really valuable and also makes them stand out regardless, product or not, but that relationship with a customer. I think providing them with the tools to have that conversation is really what will make them stand out.

Customer centricity has become a success factor in the digital economy where power has already shifted to consumers. Align the program with the customer journey and tailor each engagement to deliver the best buyer experiences.

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