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One of the things that my team is focused on is making sure that we really have close alignment with our front-line leaders that are able to really translate through the broader goals and initiatives – how does this show up for you at the ground level at the local level and how do we make what we are doing is relevant and bring that and get buy-in from the local sales leaders. So, I think that is one of the pieces in making sure that this charter is durable. I think the other element is making sure that we are always anchoring on top of the business value. What our team is quoted on, what we wake up every day thinking about is overall sales productivity. If we are helping everybody in the field get better at what they do every day, we are going to be successful, but that provides the grounding.

The goals should not be just to support the sales force in general but to drive specific, transformative, and measurable changes in the organization and its performance. It could be to update the technology stack, quicken the sales cycle, improve margins, or other strategic goals.

At a high level, your program should focus on helping sales people sell more effectively. This starts with providing sales people with everything they need to engage and convert buyers. But what do you focus on from there? Should you focus on detailed information about products and services? What about sharing best practices from top performers in the sales organization? How about the development of sales skills like delivering great presentations? These are all good options to consider and there’s no reason you just have to pick one.

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