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Start meeting with the people that will be integral to the success of the sales enablement function. As a starting point this should include the executive sponsor, the people on your team, the other teams you will need to partner with and last, but by no means least, the teams you will serve…These meetings will give you a high-level overview of the business and help you understand the current state of sales enablement, business priorities, and what needs to be accomplished.

In the early phases of building sales enablement at your organization, focus primarily on defining responsibilities of the function (rather than the function itself). The industry over-indexes on defining; it is less important about establishing and formalizing a definition, but more important to clarify why enablement exist, how enablement operates, and what enablement does.

It’s easier to start with what not to do than what to do. I think the easiest thing to do wrong is that you think there’s a problem or you hear there’s a problem, but have you dived deep enough to have the data that there’s actually a problem? And I think where people go wrong is that they don’t have that before they start.

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